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Friday 26 September 2014

hey guys, I am back. Fuhhh! Almost TWO YEARS my post not be updated. Really for a long time, this is not because I am lazy, but I just like 'kind' of people who is Malay called 'hangat hangat tahi ayam'. When I am interest on something, I will give a full commitment. BUT when I was bored, I will never take a look back. THATS ME! aahhhh later we talk further about myself.

First and foremost, let me introduce myself first. Even though, I had done it in my previous posts but I need to update about myself which had been a little bit different from the past *dah kurus sikit rasanya*. OKEYY! Assalamualaikum wbt.

Given by beloved mama and abah, is NABILAH BINTI FAZAIL. Nabilah, Kak Long, Nab, Bella.. Those name that family, close friends and people do called me. TAPI please jangan panggil Bella. GELI ya amat! hahaha. I was born on 17th May 1993 at Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur *orang KL* ehemmm. hahaha. But I was moved to Alor Setar when I was at Eight years old because my parents need to take care of my late tokwan and tok. And I was grew up in ALOQ SETAQ. *lidah dah jadi lidah utaqa* I was started my education's world at SK Merbau Sempak for One year only, since I moved to Alor Setar, I continued my primary level at SK Haji Mohd Shariff. Then, I further my secondary level at SMK Sultanah Asma until Form Five. Actually, I just finished my diploma which I was taking Diploma in Banking at Uitm Kedah. Frankly, my diploma life just a little bit disappointing me! It not in a smooth way like I had imagine before. BUT its okeyy, from my past experience I could learn in build myself to be better and knowing people well. And Syukur Alhamdulillah, I have to be proud of myself because I have the opportunities to continue my study in 

okeyy done with All facts about me. When talking about someone's facts, actually quite boring kan? Its too common and too mainstream and too formal. lets me talk in informal way! people say 'jadi diri sendiri' hahaha.

Nabilah is perempuan? puteh? tinggi lampai? gemok? cantik? comel? comot? hahaha. hello of course I cantik! hahaha. ahaks ahaks. *weh weh! ni monolog dalaman sahaja.*

 The real me 'cantiknya awak!' eh dak laaa, ni make up plus edit plus awak lagi cantik. PADAHAL! hati berbunga bunga seronok orang puji. OMG! why bother! why bother! hahaha. Frankly, yang dinamakan Nabilah sangat la tak suka dipuji tapi tak da la sampai tak suka langsung kan. menipu benor ler kalau tak suka. but for me, when people started puji it will cause perasaan 'lupa diri'. I more prefer people who like to be honest or 'kutuk'. Even though, that kind of people are annoying, sarcastic and MAKAN DALAM. but me love that walaupon hati sakit! *alaa, habis sangat balik update moment wechat* Because, people who are annoying and sarcastic ni la yang buat I berjaya turunkan berat. Almost twenty kilogram I was lost my weight. yeyyy! Happy me! And insyaAllah will be lost more. hehe. For those know me, I always ask for some opinions like 'weh cantik tak pakai macam ni?' not because I lack of confident, but I love to hear peoples' opinions.

I am a brave person. SERIOUSLY I am. Pernah terjun kereta time kereta tengah jalan weh! haha. KENA BERANI MEH! Abah always taught me to become a brave person. He is a Corporal at Penjara Perlis and he is very strict. But I could brave on certain places, conditions, time etc je laa hehe. Kalau nak suruh tidoq dengan ulaq terkencing jugak aih. hahaha. Even I am brave enough, I also very sensitive person. My crystal on my eyes easily to burst if there something went wrong with myself. It is common feeling as a women right? 

I am really love in decorating. I love to make deco for wedding ceremony, majlis berendoi etc. Mama always be my 'perunding' dalam bidang ni. Because she love too. I have a dream which satu hari nanti nak buka business or event planner. insyaAllah. I also love to help people. I cant say no if someone ask for a help. Sampai ada satu hari tu, one of Nab punya customer who is psychologist come to my work place told me that I kind a person who 'cant say NO when people need you'. Like seriously, Nab will felt 'serba salah' kalau tolak.

boring dah ka baca? tak suka? tak kisah laa. tengah ada idea nak merepek ni. hehe.

Setiap manusia ada kekurangan dia jugak kan? what we called weaknesses. Nobody perfect in this world. And the worst thing about me is all about TIME MANAGEMENT! I really poor in managing my own time. Orang tua tua kata dah nak terberak baru nak gali lubang. Bad habit ni memang wujud daripada dulu lagi. How bad of me in managing my masa, just people around me know that. Perhaps, I could change this starting by NOW! Kena la Nabilah ooooi, more or less than TWO YEARS hang dah nak masuk alam pekerjaan. 

I am not seorang yang penyabar. Negative thinker, love to be overthinking and cepat curiga. When I want something by hook or by crook I must get it as soon as possible. OH! betapa tak sabaqnya hang Nabilah. Like surprise but dislike to wait for the surprise. Btw, perangai 'ketidaksabaran' boleh ja tengok while I am driving. Feeling like THE ROAD is totally mine. All driver was wrong I am the only one who are right! hahahaha. 

And me also dislike to concentrate for a job or work at one time. Like while am doing my revision, I will put all my handphone, laptop in front of TV and do my revision. Later on, I will spend less on my notes. Kalau buat assignment pulak, I will get start with part I interest to do and the last part will take for a long time to finish. How could I change this!  

okeyyy. cukup cukup la tu melalut. dah pukul TIGA PAGI dah. Nab, now you can rest in peace. Have your beauty sleep. See you soon! XOXO.

thankyou and sorry kalau ada yg terasa hati ! :)