Thanks dear follower ! :)

Saturday 4 October 2014

hai! Im back. hmmm okey now is about 2.20 am, lets berangan for my future in five years in advance. What are your plans and where will you be in the next FIVE YEARS? So, did you have your own plan? of course YES! kan? nak tau Nab berangan apa? *hermmmmm mai nak bagi hint sikit.*

KAHWIN? hahahaha. LoL~ yay or nay? hahaha. of course this is one of my plan in next five years. ya udah laa Nabilah berangan sampai kesitu. KERLASSS

lets we move on with the real one. Who is me in next five years? Basically, when make a general view about my life now on people will say that 'NABILAH WILL BE A BANKER'. why banker? not a doctor, lawyer, teacher or model? oopss. because currently, I am struggling for my degree in banking sector right? of course I WILL be a banker even though this is not listed in my ambition during my zaman kanak-kanak dulu. by hook or by crook I must grab the opportunity gifted by Allah SWT. Syukur Alhamdulillah. :)

BUT! currently, I am so impress to become a successful entrepreneur in next five years. senang cerita businesswomen yang berjaya. yeyyy! why am I choosing to become an entrepreneur? There are thousands reason I choose to be an entrepreneur. Have you ever heard about '9 dari 10 pintu rezeki adalah perniagaan' ? Since, nowadays Malaysian economic especially 'bumiputera' are not very stimulate compare with others and I choose to be in that way in generating my own economy. InsyaAllah. 

Macam mana boleh terfikir nak jadi businesswomen? Sebenaqnyaaaa, Nab involve dalam bidang perniagaan since sekolah menegah lagi. ingat lagi time tingkatan dua, tiga macam tu hari hari Nab akan bawa at least TEN packets of kerepek pisang daripada jiran. ambil untung dalam 20cent each. *Time tu untung 20cent tu kira okey la kan? lepas la untuk topup. hahaha.* then time tingkatan empat dan lima tu Nab active jugak dalam berniaga ni. Time sekolah dulu kan ada Hari Kantin, setiap tahun Nab akan ambil tapak untuk berniaga. Masa tingkatan empat, berniaga ice blended and time tingkatan lima Nab berniaga brooch yang cute cute, button handmade. *time tu memang student dok mengila dengan benda macam tu*

Gigih tak? Gigih kan? Best sebenarnya berniaga ni. Kita rasa puas dapat duit sendiri. Then my effort was continued during my diploma. *At that time, lagi best! memang masyukkk!* When I was in diploma, I was made a small business. Where I was sold a few kind of scarf like pashmina, bawal, halfmoon etc. AND untill now I am still seeking for a new business which be more stable. Any Ideas?

BUT for my next FIVE YEARS business, I am wishing to have my own boutique or something like event planner laa. Why event planner? because I am so interested with decorating and plan for a certain event? Sometimes, I did it for my siblings' event just like a hobby. Kira boleh la buat sikit sikit even simple but look nice. macam gambaq bawah ni laa. cewahh! First and foremost, I must have my own money to form my own business right? So, I had plan to work in banking sector first and save some salary earned and become my 'modal' for business. insyaAllah.

CANTIK TAK? hehehehehe. boleh laa kan? I have to learn more! dah sudah apa menda la yang dok merepek ni Nab oooi. hahaha. dah sudah Nabilah, sebelum berangan teruk lagi teruk. Then how me manage my free time? Frankly, DID I HAVE FREE TIME? haha macam tak jaa? when I have leisure time, usually I really love to dress up and went to somewhere to take a photo. Tak kisah la tempat tu dekat mana, BUT if I have extra pocket money or extra budget, I really enjoy to eat dekat tempat tempat yang mahal sikit laa tak pon shopping. For me, leisure time is like a 'GOLD' which at that time I have to treat myself well! noksss, bukan senang okey nak ada masa terluang untuk diri sendiri. So suka suki I la nak buat apaa. why bother why bother? sudah laa. merepek teruk dah ni. BEDTIME! wetsgooooo! See you soon. XOXO.



thankyou and sorry kalau ada yg terasa hati ! :)