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Friday 14 November 2014

Ding dong deng ding dong deng! kodek kodek sikit! yeahhh! excited sikit untuk entry kali ni. such an unforgettable event! *sekali air sungai melimpahhh sekali pasirnya pun berubahhh~~~* coih coih! menyanyi pulak kan. al maklum laa dah pukul 2.31 pagi macam gini mood tu dah tune ke lain dah. okey okey takpayah merepek jauh sangat. ehemm. 

 its about on 8th November 2014! I think I should save this date forever! At first I think there will be a bad day for me, however, my perception TOTALLY change when I join for this such event. And I felt like nak lagi nak lagi nak lagi! like seriously, it so wonderful, enjoy, lovely and superb day! HASHTAG CS_2014!

The days before I just like, "ish tak bestnya hari sabtu ni! kena bangun awal, terpacak dekat depo bas awal awal pagi buta!" However, bak kata miss ida HIDUP MESTI DITERUSKAN! on that day, i woke up around FIVE am, took a bath with the feeling ahhhh malasnyaaa! And like seriously, I felt wanna cry, why am I should to woke up as early as that time. T______________T ! HELLO WEEKEND KOT! i should be at home! BUT, however it is I really felt excited and nervous to be there. bukan apa, nuhhh dok pikiaq carrymark nak dapat banyak manaa laa. when I arrived at UiTM, I saw people with the orange and green shirt. wahhhhh! Around SIX THIRTY am, we got into a bus arrived at Kampung Haji Kudung about SEVEN am.

After that, we were divided into SEVEN groups which separated for SEVEN kampung. Luckily, I were grouped into AWESOME group they are me, Ageerah, Ika, Lyana, Nad, Bihah, Liana, Izzati, Abu, Nazmi, Tasriq. 

Then we were placed to be at Kampung Permatang Kelompang which headed by Pak Cik Lah and assisted by Cik Zah and Kak Cik Rashidah. They were very sporting. Actually we are combined with green team for each kampung, but divided into two groups. And we went to Mak Ndak's house. We distributed the gift to her family, actually mak ndak is a cooker at tabika and has five children. Her husband just doing 'kerja kampung'. She was very pleased with us by serving us 'pek nga' after we 'gotong-royong' clean up her house. 

Then, the villagers took us 'ronda-ronda' kampung! This moment was very exciting. Their environment were totally different, this kampung had very strong community. They were very respect each others, regardless by age. Their attitude make me so impress. After we went 'ronda-ronda' kampung, we got back to their hall and their was an opening event and lunch. The villagers with their honors prepared delicious lunch for us which are 'masakan kampung'. 

While waiting for the last event which is 'sukan rakyat' we went to took part in decorating the classroom for thee KAFA, distributed candies to the children, play a game called 'buaya buaya' with some of the kids there. They were very exciting! By them I know the different between monyet and lutung. hahahaha before ni apa apa saja yang rupa macam monyet memang panggil monyet jaa. haha.

And the 'sukan rakyat' was started after asar, our mission to make fun with villagers are accomplished! We finished our event around SEVEN pm. It was really tired, but BEST! 
I should give a big clap to Madam Azfa for her efforts in organizing this kind of event. GOOD JOB MADAM! *thumbs up* without her this event wont be super awesome! THANK YOU MADAM! 

See you soon! XOXO.


thankyou and sorry kalau ada yg terasa hati ! :)