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Sunday 9 November 2014

Assalamualaikum semua! Seem tomorrow is the due date for 'Qoute of Motivation' izinkan saya 'merepek' sebentar. Cewah! First of all, this is the first qoutation had be choosen by me 
"Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss"
by F.Scott Fitzgerald.
which bring me thousands meaning in my life. Thousands okey thousands! banyakk aih. hahaha. okeyyy! Firstly, let we get the general view of this quote, "what this quote is about?" Generally, this quote basically is about our life. yeaaahh! IT IS ABOUT OUR LIFE ON LIVES! Cara senangnya, dia bagi tau kita hidup ni based on peluang yang ada walaupun ada yang kita terlepas. haa lebih kurang macam tu laaa. So, I believe that opportunities always come to us even we miss the valued one. It is closely related with my real life which previously I had missing many opportunities. And I always talk to myself why am I choose this and that! tapi dah terlambat kan? I dont know and until now I am still thinking and seeking the causes am I choosing the totally WRONG decisions. peluang yang ada depan mata tapi sia-sia macam tu sahajaa. I had took the wrong step! oh! pity me! hahahaha BUT however, the wrong decisions and me was here! disebabkan decision yang salah la Nab still lagi diberi peluang untuk nak sambung belajar. Alhamdulillah. Thats all for today. Thank you. See you soon! XOXO


thankyou and sorry kalau ada yg terasa hati ! :)