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Friday 24 October 2014

Assalamualaikum wbt. Salam Jumaat, esok semua umat Islam akan menyambut Maal Hijrah. Harini merupakan hari terakhir untuk tahun 1435 h. Selamat Maal Hijrah.

okeyy today I wanna make some advertisement review. Nowadays, if we switch on the tv, there are various of advertisement that we can watch through the mass media either local or international. Every advertisement in the media, bring out a lot of lessons and messages. Some of advertisement aims in gaining profit, some aims to deliver some values to the society. However it is, depends on our perception in valuating the main purpose of the advertisement.

Today's entry I would like to share with all of you a local advertisement which quite interesting and valuable for the society. For me, this kind of advertisement is more preferable because it teaches us the moral values rather than commercial advertisement which focus on gaining profit exclusively.


haaa. have you ever watch this 'raya' advertisement by petronas? mostly petronas will produce this kind of advertisement on 'hari raya', 'hari merdeka' which directed by late Yasmin Ahmad. okeyyy Actually, this advertisment is about a parents shows their bad attitude which badly treats their father. At last, their children tend to do so to their parents when they are growing up. This advertisement really touched our heart, it teaches us that we need to treat our parents well. One day, if we are become a parents, we are the role model for our children. Remember that, 'children, reflect their parents attitude' orang melayu kata macam mana acuan macam tu la kuih dia kan?

Hidup ni umpama roda, kadang kala kita di atas, kadang kala kita di bawah kan? Macam mana kita layan ibu bapa kita sekarang ni, nothing impossible yang anak kita akan layan kita macam tu kan? Tanpa mereka sapa la kita kan? baik buruk, sakit demam ibubapa kita, kita kena la jaga. kalau bukan kita yang jaga sapa yang nak jaga kan? Ingatlah time kita kecil, sakit demam kita mereka yang jaga kan? So, selagi ibu bapa kita ada, kita hendaklah membalas jasa mereka sebelum terlambat. Thats all for my entry today. Entry kali ni agak skema yeahh. Dont get boring yeah.
See you soon. XOXO!

thankyou and sorry kalau ada yg terasa hati ! :)