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Thursday 30 October 2014

Assalamualaikum. Hai semua, hari ni dah nak habes dah week SEVEN kan? rasa macam baru jaa masuk minggu pertama. ada lagi 7 weeks more to go. Such an hectic life when we be a degree student. Harap harap every semester will go through smoothly and no more such conflict like when i was in diploma's life. it really taught me a lot of lessons which differ when I was in secondary school. It is totally different! If i can turn back time, I will make myself to be there again and over again and never go through university's life.

First of all, the moment yang sangat terkilan when I had the conflict with my dear roomate who is the first person that I met when enter the campus and kebetulan she took the same course like me. We had shared the moment for almost two years, the sweetest things we did will never erase from my memories. We studied together, shopping for raya together, slept over, watched movies, doing crazy things together and many more. And she is seorang yang melatah, selalu kacau dia, she is seorang yang penakut nak p toilet sensorang, selalu usik dia, the most important thing dia 'pendek sikit' selalu usik dia letak barang dia tempat tinggi tinggi. 

However, the moment was not last long. At last a conflict arise when I was closely 'berkawan' with another person. She taught that I was changed and there was some issues that I was 'tweeting' about her. Since the issues arise, our relationship become 'renggang' untill she decided to not stay at 'rumah sewa' together. She move to another class, but I stayed in the same class. When I was semester 5, my diploma's life totally different. I had to face people when they keep asking 'where is she?' mana tidaknya kami ni macam BELANGKAS p mana semua berdua. Then, my life become worse! My pointer drop down and what I had done was totally wrong. I think I should learn how to treat others feeling and differentiate which is 'kaca and permata' nak salahkan kata salah pilih kawan, tak jugak. Actually based on us kan?

Pepatah Melayu pernah berkata 'nasi dah jadi bubur' what we had done, took it as lesson. So, untuk nak berbaik semula tu memang susah sikit. Tak semua orang boleh lupakan sesuatu benda macam tu ja kan? sometimes, it take times and how we handle it. So, untuk nak jaga relationship ni, I took step by step. At first memang susah sikit, the day our conflict started I keep calling, messaging, apologizing and persuading her. BUT it just like 'mencurah air keatas daun keladi' yalaa orang tengah panas kan. So, I decided to follow the flow. Biaq dia cool dulu, and on her birthday I bought her a slice of cake, write a letter deep from my heart and lastly we make a deep conversation between us. Day by day, time by time, I tried my best to 'perbaiki' relationship kami. Walaupun tak macam dulu, apa apa masalah Nab still whatsapp dia, mengadu dekat dia. And she really understand me. For me, conflict in relationship is very common problem will be faced by every person in the earth. 'sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit' inikan pulak tali persahabtan kan. Apa pon conflict yang ada, we must handle it in the positive way. InsyaAllah ALL IS WELL! Semoga persahabatan kami kekal selama lamanyaa. Aminnn.  

'Patah tumbuh, hilang berganti'. Nab tak face benda ni sorang sorang. I felt glad when she being my backbone. Sakit hati Nab, maqah Nab, tak puas hati Nab, dia sedia mendengaq. even though kadang kadang tu dia just diam and cemuih nak dengaq and i noticed it. she always be by my side. Thank you Nurul Ageerah, almost two years and still counting. insyaAllah setiap kesalahan yang lepas jadikan pengajaran. Thats all. Thank you for reading. See you soon. XOXO

our short vacay at Phuket, Thailand with Ageerah's family.


thankyou and sorry kalau ada yg terasa hati ! :)