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Thursday 16 October 2014

Assalamualaikummm. HELLO HOLLA! im back again and again again and againn. amenda masok lagu 2PM pulakk. bila masa Nab minat 2PM ni? ohhhdemmmm! tak minat pon okeyyy grrr. okeyyy lets start our topic. minggu ni iolls kena update pasal INTEGRITY AND ETHICS okeyy uolls. INTEGRITY AND ETHICS! hmmm. harini topic kita macam nak skema sikit nah. wuuuuaaarrghhh! haipp jangan nak menguap nah. mai kita baca sikit bawah ni. nak cakap apa pasal ni uolls. haaaaamek harini kita ber iolls uolls pulaks okeyyss. 

First of all, what is integrity? that integrity related with us? AND what is ethics? what is the relationship bitweenn eh amenda eja between macam tu? between integrity and ethic? 

Integrity is about our 'jati diri' or internally about ourselves. It involves honesty, openness, transparency, trust, truth, adhere to the principle, not easily influenced by others, reliable. All those kind of 'nilai murni' should have in every single of human being in the earth. It is important to us in order of being 'someone' who are integrity? YES! it is very important. why? Let say if we dont have the 'value of honesty' in ourselves, therefore what will happen when we go out and work at very big company? Senang cerita la kalau kita ni seorang yang sangat tak jujur, selalu mencari alasan untuk tak datang kerja, seleweng duit syarikat. Are we will go further in that industry? baik tak baik kita ni kena tendang sat ja, dah tu ada bad record pulak tu. then company mana nak ambil kita keja kalau dah ada bad record. So that, it is very important to us to be an integrity person. aceeewahh.

Next is about ethics. E to the T to the H to the I to the C to the S ! Ethics is about human behavior or how human act whether it is about goodness, badness, what is right and what is wrong. As human being, dalam hidup kita mesti ada rules kan habis habis lekeh pon, prinsip hidup kan? okey kalau macam dalam integrity kita kena jadi seorang yang jujur. So, apa etika yang kita kena ada pulak untuk jadi seorang yang jujur? mesti la salah satunya disiplin. Dalam sesebuah industry tu, mendisiplinkan diri tu amat penting. Kalau kita seorang yang disiplin, kita akan terfikir ka nak cari alasan untuk takmau p kerja. kalau kita seorang yang disiplin, kita akan fikir ka nak pakai duit yang diamanahkan untuk kepentingan kita sendiri? TAKKAN KAN? NEVER NEVER EVER KAN?

Sebab tu la integrity and ethics are very relates one and other. Someone who berpegang teguh with this TWO principle will be a person who are very quality. InsyaAllah. thats all, thank you for reading. See you soon! XOXO

thankyou and sorry kalau ada yg terasa hati ! :)